Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 7 Blog

Paragraph 1
What types of writing activities would you make the best use of technology in your classrooms?
I would be inclined to use an interactive writing activity. I am a physical education major and know and understand the importance in involving the students in the actual assignment. For example, if the student can find his /her way to understand the task enough to teach it then the student will more than likely carry this information with them. I would have them write out a 2min coaching assignment and then teach it to one of their peers.

Paragraph 2:
 We are creating PowerPoint this week, how would you Not let PowerPoint presentation distract your audience?
It has to stay applicable to the topic that we are on. To stray away from the topic can be easy to do and mislead the audience of what is really being taught. Another way is to keep sound bites and video clips low and to a minimum. Although these are great avenues of interest, they also provide the opportunity for distraction.  
 Do you think you can follow the potential pitfalls from the textbook?
Yes it’s a matter of staying alert and aware of the time being issued. Technology has its way of losing individuals in the spirit of the newness of the application and ability to use the equipment in the classroom. Time management is so crucial to the allowance of new devices in the classroom.  And these slide presentations can be that distraction. But overall I find that this would be easy to follow.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion
Power points in the classroom have always been interesting to me as child. I felt like this was a different, efficient way of teaching the class. It allowed the class as whole a break from the routine and is subject to good response from all ages of audiences; and feel that this is a great tool for covering mass amounts of information.

JONASSEN, DAVID, HOWLAND, JANE, MARRA, ROSE M, & CRISMOND, DAVID. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology 3rd edition . New Jersy,New York: Pearson.