I have never used blogs before. This seems the same as other web entities. They should have a website that combines all of these subsections together to save alot of time and effort from the public. I will say that this does give us as the public alot to talk about at any given moment about any given thing. This might help students escape from the average daily routine of just sitting in class. If the teacher gives a discussion about a centain topic out of a book, they would be more inclined to want to participate. I would most certainly like to see this and would not mind allowing the students I would teach to respond to the assignment I have given them. It seems that class participation and response would be the main point to this technology. The students should open up and be much more attenitive to the actual curriculum that was being enforced from that day, causing the curriculum to still remain as it was given without change.
You're not the only person that hasn't used blogs before. They do give us a chance to talk about specific events, or assignments that teachers give us. I think you're right when you say that students would be more inclined to want to participate. In class, it is hard to jump in on the discussion, because some people just don't like to talk in class. Blogs would let those individuals say what they would have said in class.