Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 13

- When and how do teachers act as designers?
Teachers act as designers every day. Although the construction of their classroom falls under a curriculum, ultimately teachers still have the power to control how they set up and implement the schedule of and course of the classroom. How creative the teacher is when he or she is giving instruction is completely up to them in transferring the intensity of the course and its material.

- Select one of the followings and explain what it is and how it can be used in classroom:
This is a digital experience that allows the students to construct their own buildings and town. The students are capable of pin-pointing design of the buildings in great detail. This can be used in the classroom to open up creativity so that the student will be able to learn zoning of towns; just how their own cities are zoned on a bigger scale.

- Explain "Digital Storytelling by Kate Kemker."
This is a software program that allows the student create a story and bring it life with a digital camera and edit machine that goes along with it. The edit application of the software is key in the children’s imagination and intensity of the story.

What do you think it would work in your classroom?
Well, all though I will spend most of my time outdoors or in a gymnasium I still think the students are in great shape to use this tool. The students could write their own work outs and follow the edit machine into presenting their own creation to the actual movements that have been created.

- Mathematics is one of the most abstract subject-matter domains. Helping students to visualize mathematical concepts is very useful in helping students make math real. What other methods suggested in the textbook will also help make math more real to students?
Math lab is a very notable tool that can be used to help students take the work with them if they have computer to use. This software is actually used here at Texas A&M University – Commerce in the math departments. This offers online tutorials and plenty of practice that students can use if they want to exceed the norm of performance.

- Is it possible to learn from TV alone?--that is, learn how to do something merely from watching TV instruction? 
Of course; people do this all the time. The field that I planned to work in does this with video instructions and participation. The big trend is P90X and other visual aids that enhance the experience of the convenience of at home work out produced by the TV. This area of participation will grow with a doubt; seeing how most people don’t like to leave home and go to gyms but instead want stay home and rest in their comfortable domicile.

Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassens, D., Marra, R. M. (2008).  Meaningful learning with technology. Columbus: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall


  1. great and very inciteful, i agreed on many points, especiay about learning from tv, of course you can thats common sense

  2. This is a great blog Brad. I dint know they had the math program here in commerce. I also agree that you can learn from TV because like I said in my blog people who learn to cook learn from watching iton the cooking channels.
